The Company
Orbital Marine Power will deliver clean, predictable power for millions of people, homes, and businesses using the most innovative tidal turbine technology in the world.
How it works
Orbital’s unique technology delivers a breakthrough in the extraction of clean energy from flowing water.
At the heart of it, the technology enables easier access to carry out through-life servicing of turbines whilst offering the lowest costs for manufacture, construction and decommissioning.
Clean, Predictable Energy
Every day, vast but untapped tidal energy flows through sea channels and passes coastlines, like clockwork.
At Orbital we have an innovative solution that can cost-effectively harness this hugely dense, predictable, renewable energy resource. Our turbines can capture this power where it is focused to produce a reliable supply of electricity. Night and day – 365 days a year. Whatever the weather.
The reliability of tidal stream energy makes it an ideal resource for integration into energy systems of the future that include battery storage, green hydrogen and low-carbon electricity generation.